“Winners never quit and quitters never win.”

-At Khubaib institute of Medical Sciences and Nursing

we have an extensive sporting facility. These facilities include a fully equipped gym, sports hall, football & hockey grounds, Cricket pitch, basketball court, and an excellent athletics facility.

KIMS provides a range of quality sports facilities for the staff and students at university and national levels.

Khubaib Institute of Medical Sciences and Nursing boasts a vibrant sports culture, offering students a well-rounded educational experience. With expansive grounds dedicated to various sports and a state-of-the-art gym facility, students have ample opportunities to tay active and pursue their athletic passions. From cricket to football, basketball to badminton, our campus provides the perfect environment for students to hone their skills and engage in friendly competition. Whether participating in intramural tournaments or simply enjoying recreational sports, students benefit from the physical and mental well-being that comes with regular exercise and teamwork. At Khubaib Institute, we recognize the importance of sports in fostering camaraderie, leadership, and a healthy lifestyle among our student body.

Members of the Haripur and Mansehra Bar Councils recently visited Khubaib Institute of Medical Sciences and Nursing, Haripur, where they had the opportunity to meet with Chairman Mr. Nadeem Ahmed Khan. During their visit, they participated in a friendly match and toured the Khubaib’s facilities. The bar council members commended the foundation’s unwavering dedication to humanitarian efforts. In return, Chairman Mr. Nadeem Ahmed Khan expressed his appreciation for their visit.We are deeply grateful for their visit and encouraging words.At the Khubaib, we remain steadfast in our mission to improve society and empower the underserved.

Khubaib Taekwondo Academy was established in October 2014, to unite the orphans of the foundation under the umbrella of Korean Martial art Taekwondo. The core objective of starting Taekwondo academy in Khubaib foundation was to empower young students through latest and modern techniques of Taekwondo so that they could compete in the world's arena.